Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Very Special Day for a Very Special Young Lady

There are few turning points in life that linger longer than that of high school graduation.  It is a rite of passage in our society, one that travels with us in our memories for years to come.  It is a milestone that truly opens the door to adulthood as the future awaits.

Becca Watkins, a very bright young lady and my niece by marriage, strolled through that door today as she celebrated her graduation from high school.  Becca is a remarkable young woman.  She is conscientious, intelligent, giving, enthusiastic, and filled with a love of life that propels her forward with a special kind of joy.

I have only known Becca for a relatively short amount of time, but in that time I have had the pleasure of witnessing the evolution of a girl into a young woman, ready to face the new challenges of college and adulthood with a package of unique gifts and talents.  Next fall she will be off to college to study education in order to become a teacher one day.  This seems to be a perfect fit for this very bright young lady.

I have seen her with children and she has a talent that is surely from God.  She reaches them through communicating her sincere care and concern for them.  She is not ashamed to become like them whether playing with them on a swing set or showing them something from a book.  She has a soft, sentimental heart that extends to her family in a very special way.

Recently, Becca lost her paternal grandfather.  I witnessed her young heart wounded by this turn of events.  She was close to her grandpa.  She faced his illness with strength and dignity, visiting him as often as she could, her heart breaking every time she saw him slipping away.  Yet, she persevered.  It was a difficult loss for her, but through it all, I saw a young woman who did not run from the pain of the loss of a loved one, but faced the hurt with her head held high and her heart in prayer.

Now Becca takes her place in the world of collegiate academics.  A new world and new challenges lay before her.  I am sure she will reach her goal and become a teacher who will, for many years to come, touch the hearts of her students in ways that will last their lifetimes.

It has been my privilege to be a small part of Becca's life.  She is a very special young woman and will accomplish much.  Her parents can been quite proud of a daughter who has adopted their values and applied them to her life in a unique and moving way. 

I wish you the best, Becca, and may the joy of this graduation day be the launching pad of untold joys and happiness in the future.  Your future students will most certainly benefit from having known you and that walk across the stage to accept your diploma today is only the first step into an exciting future that I look forward to being a part of!

Congratulations Becca!