I happen to share my life with a very special woman. She has come to know me better than anyone else has ever known me in my lifetime. She gives me grounding and courage to fight the daily battles that we all face as soon as the door opens to the world in the morning.
I can count on her for her wisdom and humor. She laughs at my lame jokes and puns and is always willing to accommodate my sudden urges to go somewhere and do something on the spur of the moment.
We laugh together and have cried together. We are truly each other's best friends, not in the adolescent way, but in the way that gives life meaning and understanding between two people. We look to one another for understanding and comfort.
Remarkably, we have faced numerous crises together and have always come out the better and the closer for having done so. In her battle against breast cancer, she taught me the true meaning of the word courage. She taught me that even though fear can run deeper than anyone might possibly imagine, you can face that fear with courage and determination that defines the word dignity. She was determined to overcome this potential killer and did through her faith in God and confidence in the amazing medical staff that saw to her every medical need.
Today is an important day in our lives for on this day we celebrate yet another birthday. She deserves all the happiness in the world on this day because she has brought an abundance of happiness to not only me but to her sons as well as her family and friends. One of the greatest blessings I have experienced in my life is the blessing that God has bequeathed in allowing me to grow older with her. Life is far richer, more interesting, and more meaningful because of her presence. She gives of herself without a word of complaint and loves me despite all my faults.
Happy Birthday my dearest Joan. This day is for you. This day is a day for celebration and looking forward to our lives together in the future. May God bless you with all the happiness you deserve on this day and may our future years together be as wonderful and enriching as the past years have been!