One of the biggest days of a young person's life is their birthday. This was no exception on Sunday, September 6, as the family gathered together to celebrate Keirah's 3rd birthday.
It was a great day filled with fun, laughter, energy, and a reminder of what is really important in life. When I look at the pictures taken and the memories stored, I find an amazing thing. In attendance were several generations of family. Keirah had two great grandmas, one great grandpa, two grandmas, and two grandpas helping her to celebrate her big day. The first picture above shows three of the four generations present with Aliyah and Keirah in front of her great-grandparents and grand parents on her mom's side. What a remarkable picture it is showing life as it naturally occurs. And, of course, the birthday girl's picture is right below.
The energy that Keirah and Aliyah displayed could be enough to run a large city for a week I think. As usual, wrapping paper went flying. Bows were quickly tossed aside. And cupcakes, fruit and other snacks eagerly consumed. Before you knew it, the afternoon had passed.
We had the great pleasure, however, of going to dinner with Keirah, Aliyah, and her mom and dad. After consuming yet another copious amount of food, we headed for some deliciously rich and creamy ice cream! By this time, I could barely waddle! Next on the agenda, although it was a surprise, was a round of miniature golf. I had not played the game in years and years but it was great fun. Watching the girls play was enough fun all by itself. Each has her own style, brimming over with enormous amounts of energy!
With the conclusion of the 18th hole, the day came to an end. It was time to bid farewell to the birthday girl and her family with a long three hour ride ahead of us. We were both very tired but filled with fond memories of a day with family. Nothing is more important than family, a lesson that is not necessarily always appreciated in our younger years. But it is in the heart of the family where we find love and acceptance unlike anywhere else. We use birthdays and holidays as excuses to get together. Maybe its time we gather together just because we want to!